About Us: Who Runs Tattles Told?

A Little Bit About Us:

Tattles Told is owned and operated by twin sisters out of the home they share in Wisconsin. The pair have had a passion for D&D for over a decade and have amassed a dragon's horde of TTRPG related goods over the years. As both players and DMs, the twins understand the joy of placing an awesome miniature representing a character or monster on the table and seeing the faces around the table light up.

After purchasing our first FDM and resin 3D-printers in short succession, we decided we wanted to share our collection with as many people as we could. We became licensed merchants for our favorite modelers and opened our first store. Now we have a few more printers and we operate more storefronts, but our goal is still the same--we want you to experience that same joy we do every time we bring something cool to the table. :D

We hope you enjoy your time here and that you find something you like! From our table to yours, Happy Gaming!


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